Based at The University of Texas at Dallas, The Texas Analog Center of Excellence (TxACE) is focused on analog and mixed signals, circuits and systems research benefiting the areas of energy efficiency, health care, public safety and security. TxACE seeks to transform analog and mixed signals research into a holistic collaborative process that creates revolutionary integrated circuits and systems driven by both great societal needs and industry.
TxACE offers the TI Analog Excellence Graduate Fellowship to a full-time graduate student who is interested in pursuing PhD research in analog circuit design and engineering at UT Dallas. The awardee will receive a fellowship of $25,000/year in addition to a research assistantship (RA) appointment sponsored by a UTD faculty member that carries additional stipends and a tuition/fee waiver for a full-time graduate load. The total award amount is approximately $70,000/year. Duration of the award is four years provided good standing at UT Dallas.
This fellowship will provide an outstanding research and educational opportunity for students with potential for achievements at the highest level and is available to students who have applied for admission to a PhD degree program for Fall semester in the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science at UT Dallas.
For more information click here.