Davidson Auditorium, The University of Texas at Dallas


As electronics continue to bridge the gap between the analog real world and digital information infrastructure, the entire $350 billion per year integrated circuits industry is evolving into an analog-digital mixed signal industry. This one-day symposium will examine trends, emerging opportunities and key challenges in analog integrated circuits and systems, as well as related technologies.

The list of speakers will include:
Hans Stork — Senior Vice President and CTO of ON Semiconductor
Alessandro Piovaccari — Senior Vice President of Engineering and CTO, Silicon Labs
Brian La Cour — Director, Center for Quantum Research, ARL, UT Austin
Mike Flynn — Professor, U Michigan, Leader of Fund. Analog Thrust, TxACE
Yiorgos Makris — Professor, UT Dallas
Fredrick A. Jenet — Associate Professor of Physics, UT Rio Grande Valley
Adrian Tang — Strategic Researcher, UCLA and NASA JPL

The symposium will feature presentations by leading analog researchers, a lunch program, and poster and demonstration sessions featuring TxACE research.

Download this year’s agenda. PDF Icon